Raspberry Pi & Light Sensors
Raspberry Pi & Light Sensors

Introduction There’s this light in my neighbour’s back yard, which randomly toggles all through the night. It really had an influence on my sleep. At first I thought it’s probably simply a cat or something, triggering a motion sensor. But then I realized that it toggles periodically. The social and open person I am as... » read more

Raspberry Pi 4, WS2801 & Apple HomeKit
Raspberry Pi 4, WS2801 & Apple HomeKit

Intro In this post, I’m going to explain how to connect a WS2801 RGB-LED-strip to the RPi 4B and Apple HomeKit. I’m writing this during the 2020 Covid-19 quarantine. I had lots of time to spend, obviously, so I started this project. It started as a simple wood project and then I wanted to add... » read more

Linux VNC xstartup

Covid-19 makes us do crazy things. Work from home for example. I hade some trouble configuring VNC. Especiall the VNC server config turned out to be very tricky, when it comes to the window manager. I usually use gnome. It took me hours to figure out how to start gnome from a vnc session. This... » read more

Howto: WordPress Child Themes

Last week, I had to make some HTML/CSS/PHP changes to a wordpress blog. I remembered, that the last time I made something like that, all of my changes made directly to the running theme have been overwritten by a theme update. So this time, I really wanted to make things right, make it the wordpress... » read more

WordPress Spam on Attachment Pages

The other day I recognized in the dashboard of one of my pages, that I had 1600 something unanswered comments. ALTHOUGH I completely disabled comments on my page. I used a fancy theme together with a bunch of plugins to enable a Flickr’ish kind of gallery display with a lightbox. It turns out that wordpress... » read more

iMacros enhanced using Javascript

Introduction The other day, I had to automate interactions on a web page, for testing purposes. I stumbled across the iMacros Firefox extension, which turned out to be very mighty. Basics With iMacros you can automate sequences of events on web pages in order to test them in terms of behavior and/or performance. The extension... » read more

Howto find memory leaks using code injection via LD_PRELOAD

Introduction I recently had to find a memory leak in a huge C/C++ application running on linux. Unfortunately, I was not able to use valgrind, because the application was too slow when running inside the valgrind VM. So I decided to write my own memory debugging library. The key idea is to overwrite/replace the original... » read more

Postfix and SASL

Motivation Postfix and SMTP authentication can be a very time intensive issue, I had to cope with twice. The second time I had to reread all the documentation, because there were almost 5 years between the first and second attempt. This is what motivated me to write this documentation. Introduction Given a running postfix mail... » read more

PS Selective Colorization

Hello my friends out there! I know, it’s been a long time… Because I had to do it so many times now, here are some essential steps for selective colorization in Adobe PS: Open the desired image in PS Choose Layers – New Settings Layer – Black & White Confirm the popup with Ok, which... » read more

Modify an initial ramdisk (initrd)

Hi out there! Because modifying an initial ramdisk is something I had to do every once a while and I am pretty oblivious when it comes to “exotic” commands, I will persist the knowledge at this point. First of all, modern linux kernels (like everything above 2.6 or so) use an initrd that is a... » read more