I figured out that nautilus, the file browser of GNOME, has a nice feature of adding scripts to the context menu (right click).
For instance, you can place the following two scripts in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ and make them executable (chmod +x).
Then you will be able to do a right-click on iso-images for (un)mounting them.
#!/bin/bash # mount gksudo -k /bin/echo "got r00t?" BASENAME=`basename $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS` MOUNTPOINT="/media/$BASENAME" if [ ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT" ] ; then sudo mkdir "$MOUNTPOINT" fi ret=`sudo mount -o loop,uid=$UID,gid=$GROUPS $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS "$MOUNTPOINT"` if [ $? ] ; then zenity --info --title "ISO Mounter" --text "$BASENAME Successfully Mounted." exit 0 else zenity --error --title "ISO Mounter" --text "Could not mount $BASENAME!\nReason: $ret" sudo rmdir "$MOUNTPOINT" exit 1 fi |
#!/bin/bash # unmount gksudo -k /bin/echo "got r00t?" BASENAME=`basename $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS` MP="/media/$BASENAME" ret=`sudo umount "$MP"` if [ $? ] ; then zenity --info --title "ISO Mounter" --text "Successfully unmounted $MP" sudo rmdir "$MP" exit 0 else zenity --error --title "ISO Mounter" --text "Could not unmount $MP\nReason: $ret" fi |