
Only 10 types of people in this world

Self-Hosted Bitwarden On Raspberry Pi
Self-Hosted Bitwarden On Raspberry Pi

Install Docker # curl -sSL | sh Add user(s) to the docker group. The default user would be pi. However, I highly recommend deactivating the default user. # usermod -aG docker pi Reboot and then test docker $ docker run hello-world Install more dependencies # apt-get install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev # apt-get install -y... » read more

Howto Build a Heptagram
Howto Build a Heptagram

Theory The Heptagram in Numbers The following sketch shows a heptagram with all the edges and angles we’ll need. Below the actual heptagram, the sketch also shows one of the seven edges from all sides. The important angles within the heptagram are:     The edges shown in the sketch are as follows. The edge... » read more

Mooer Micro ABY Ground Lift
Mooer Micro ABY Ground Lift

If you call yourself a proud owner of the Mooer Micro ABY mk2, congratulations, because it’s a great and cheap solution for ABY switching on or next to your pedal board. However, if you want to use the Micro ABY with one guitar and two amps, you might run into a significant problem, a ground... » read more

MXR Octavio Switch Mod
MXR Octavio Switch Mod

Have you ever wondered how an Octavio would sound without the octave up? Me too and then I made the MXR Octavio Switch Mod, for the limited edition JHM6 Jimi Hendrix version from 2018 (?). It’s kind of funny, because on the latest 2019 JHW2 psych mini octavio has a switchable octave, but the newer... » read more

Raspberry Pi 4, WS2801 & Apple HomeKit
Raspberry Pi 4, WS2801 & Apple HomeKit

Intro In this post, I’m going to explain how to connect a WS2801 RGB-LED-strip to the RPi 4B and Apple HomeKit. I’m writing this during the 2020 Covid-19 quarantine. I had lots of time to spend, obviously, so I started this project. It started as a simple wood project and then I wanted to add... » read more

Linux VNC xstartup

Covid-19 makes us do crazy things. Work from home for example. I hade some trouble configuring VNC. Especiall the VNC server config turned out to be very tricky, when it comes to the window manager. I usually use gnome. It took me hours to figure out how to start gnome from a vnc session. This... » read more

Howto: WordPress Child Themes

Last week, I had to make some HTML/CSS/PHP changes to a wordpress blog. I remembered, that the last time I made something like that, all of my changes made directly to the running theme have been overwritten by a theme update. So this time, I really wanted to make things right, make it the wordpress... » read more

WordPress Spam on Attachment Pages

The other day I recognized in the dashboard of one of my pages, that I had 1600 something unanswered comments. ALTHOUGH I completely disabled comments on my page. I used a fancy theme together with a bunch of plugins to enable a Flickr’ish kind of gallery display with a lightbox. It turns out that wordpress... » read more